Thursday, January 31, 2008

Caedmon's Throne

He has outgrown his infant car seat carrier. The height limit is 26 inches and he's definitely starting to hang off the end! But my dilemma is this: if we go to the next size car seat, what do I do with him when I go into a store. I'm not sure he's quite ready to sit in a shopping cart. So I continue to procrastinate the switch. But we brought up the next car seat and it's been sitting in the kitchen on the floor for the last couple of days. We set him in it to see how he liked it and so I could make supper.:) You can see he thoroughly enjoyed himself! Doesn't he look like he's sitting on a throne?! He enjoys it so much, I'll miss having it in the kitchen when we finally get it in the car!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

4 Month Check Up

Caedmon had his 4 month check up today and since I had a snow day, I was able to take him. I wasn't looking forward to the vaccinations. It was horrible last time and I dreaded putting Caedmon through it again! But finding out his statistics is always fun!
He'll actually be 18 weeks (4 1/2 months) on Friday. Wow, where does time go?! My baby's growing up!
He weighed 19 lbs. 2oz. and measured 27 1/2 inches long. He's still off the charts!
The doctor said he's beautiful and healthy, although he heard a little something in his chest; said croup is going around, but that he's healthy and fighting off whatever he has. I didn't even realize he had anything. He finally got over his congestion and cough a few weeks ago. Hope this doesn't turn into anything more serious.
Asked the doctor about Caedmon's sleeping habits. He doesn't sleep much during the day, still eats every 2 hours and for a week and a half now, hasn't been sleeping through the night - he's been up about every 4 hours.:/ Doc says for his size and age, he doesn't need to eat in the middle of the night and I can start ignoring him. We'll see how that goes!
The vaccines were not bad at all this time! He protested a little, but the nurse actually picked him up when she was done and he was fine with her! Even smiled and started talking! I feel so much better about them this time around. And he's sleeping soundly without any Tylenol!:)
So there you have it - the latest on the little guy!:)

Snow Days
There are many reasons I love working in the school system. One of them is snow days!:) What other job out there pays you to stay at home because of inclement weather?! Whenever anyone gives me a hard time about this ("must be nice..." blah,blah,blah) I just tell them that they chose the wrong profession.:)
This is only my third week of work and I've already had two snow days! I'm told this is very rare for the Ottawa ISD to close - they have to have a certain percentage of the county's schools close before they can. We've had some pretty bad weather these last two weeks!
But now that I'm only working part time, I don't actually wish for snow days - I enjoy work. But I'm also driving 30-45 minutes and I'd rather not drive on bad roads. So although I don't necessarily wish for a day off, I'm relieved not to have to drive in bad weather!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Bath Time

We finally got some pictures of bath time, although this was not our normal bath time.:/ We had an out-of-control dirty diaper that required the bath tub.

A New Toy

Thought we'd try this and see if he was strong enough for it. He seemed to like it, even though he didn't quite know what to do and he's still a little wobbly sitting in it.

Just Bein' Cute!

The Boys

Corey is wonderful with Caedmon! I once thought there was no way I could leave my little baby at home with Corey - I was sure he wouldn't have a clue how to take care of an infant! He has completely proved me wrong! He is a born natural at this dad thing, and they have a great time at home together while I'm at work! Corey took a picture the other day of meal time with Daddy.:)

I'm a Working Mom Now

Wow! It's been over two weeks since I last blogged! Where does time go?! Well, part of my week is now filled with working.
I started last Monday. It was not difficult like I thought it might be, going back to work and leaving Caedmon at home. I was feeling guilty that I didn't cry and terribly miss him while I was gone all day. I miss him some and look forward to getting home to him, but I really do enjoy being out and doing a job I love. I think it would have been a lot worse leaving Caedmon if I'd had to do it sooner, and if I had to leave him with someone other than Corey.
I always pictured myself being a stay-at-home mom. First of all, I didn't always see the financial implications of only one of us working, and second, I never thought I'd want to work after having children. But, being that my job is specialized, I make really good money, and I guess I just need an outlet.
Working part time is wonderful! I work three days a week and have four days at home to play with Caedmon and catch up on house work! It would be tough working full time and only having Saturday and Sunday to catch up on the house and spend time with Caedmon - one or the other would probably suffer, and I wouldn't want it to be my son, but a dirty, cluttered house drives me crazy!
So, all that to say, work is great! I'm so thankful God opened this door for us!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Tangible Love

I have a friend who often pays for me when we go out. She's a nurse and she's very generous with her money. A couple weeks ago, we went to the movies and again she paid. I truly appreciate her generosity, but sometimes it's hard to be in my shoes. Why is it hard? Because I used to be in her shoes! I used to be the person with money to spare. I used to be the person who paid for others and wouldn't let a lack of money get in the way of a friend going out with me.
I went from single and making good money, to married and making good money, to making good money but now we own a house and have to pay utilities as well, to I'm jobless, to I'm jobless and have a baby, to my husband and I are both unemployed with a baby.
BUT, even now, we are still fine.
I think I worried more before, when I considered what could happen, than I worry now; now that I'm smack dab in the middle of what I'd feared!
We have been at the receiving end of friends' and family's generosity! And it's extremely humbling, but truly, truly appreciated!
Thank you to all who have been so kind to share with us! I love to see the ways in which God takes care of us! His ways are mysterious and amazing!

Here's an excerpt from Corey's blog that I ditto:

A major factor in such fearlessness is the generosity’s of God’s people. For years now I have been blessed with the beautiful charity of people who act with love. Recently, we have received so much love from different people coming along side of us, supporting us, encouraging us, and even helping us pay our bills.

God has used his hands and his feet to touch us and bless us. He has given us faith, and peace.

Back to Work

I finally got some details about my job. I begin on Jan.14th, a week from today. My schedule will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:30 - 3:30. I will be in Zeeland all three days and in Holland on Tuesday afternoon. Sounds like there will be a nice variety. And I know the students I'll be working with from summer camp.
So this is my last week as a full time stay at home mom. I think it may be difficult to go back into the work force since my priorities have changed, but I also think that it may be good for me. Especially with my lack of a social life right now!

The New Year

So I'm a little behind, but I want to reflect a little and look forward.

It began with finding out I was pregnant. This news came with a myriad of emotions! Caedmon came into my life and he was definitely my bright spot in 2007 - he has captured my heart!:)
It was a tough year as I experienced loss in most of the important areas of my life - family, job, church. And some of these losses continue to affect me.

But 2007 came to an end and 2008 began with my wonderful husband and son! What a blessing!

As we begin 2008 and I look ahead, I hope.

I'm not one to make resolutions. Just one more thing to feel guilty about if I don't accomplish them, and who ever does?! I'd rather do something from my heart at whatever point I feel convicted to do it.

But I hope. I hope for change, for new beginnings.

HOPE is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul...

Emily Dickenson