Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America is what my husband decided to call our 4th of July party. And this is one birthday party he had fun planning!:)

The party began with Andrew P. pulling in on his riding lawn mower,
which he sold to us and decided this was the best way to get it to our house.


A mean game of Bocce Ball

Miss Ida entertaining

A game of cards

Love the hand holding...and the imaginations!

Our very own concert!

Don entertaining :)

Can you tell what's going on here?
An attempt to have Corey touch Spartan logo.
He didn't fall for it, even with the offer of beer!


Carys holding ice on her finger after
touching the sparkler as soon as the fire went out. :(

The kids thought a chair on top of the car looked like fun.
Of course, parents promptly told them
this would not end well.
So one of our guests went and
grabbed duct tape to strap the chair down
and make it at least appear more safe.
Well, the kids had fun!

Finished off the day with fireworks seen from our yard.


Keithslady said...

Or maybe that's "Happy Belated Birthday America"! Kind of like my birthday wishes, better late than never.

Keelie said...

I'm sure you've already noticed that I'm slightly behind in my blogging. The party actually took place on time...just not my blogging!:)