Saturday, January 24, 2009

Boxes are the Best!

We finally purchased a new dishwasher with a gift certificate we received for Christmas and Corey thought our little house needed the huge box inside! But Caedmon has enjoyed playing inside the box, so for now, I guess I can put up with the enormous box in the corner of the living room.:)

I think dada is enjoying it as well!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to tell you how many years we spent with refrigerator boxes in the living room- once I hooked 2 together & made Brianna a castle. They are great cheap fun & you never know when you need to hide from a dragon. (I think Isaac still has a box in his room) Sideways, with a pillow, they make lovely caves to sleep in too. Really, like, in the bed.:)