Friday, April 9, 2010

Keelie Update :)

I realized that in all my posts of the kids, I never post any life updates.

Corey and I have been looking for part time work to supplement his income. I had applied for a Census Bureau job and finally got a call and was hired for 4 weeks. I was so excited to have something...anything! Actually, I'm at my job right now as I type this - yeah, it's real difficult!:) This is the first year that the Census Bureau has set up Questionnaire Answer Centers in areas where they've had a low return rate so people can come in and get help filling out their form. My center has not gone over so well...I think I've seen about 3 people. I work two, eight hour days a week, and as boring as it is to sit in a room all day by myself, I'm getting paid and right now that matters! Plus, I'm getting lots of blogging and reading done!:)

Shortly after I was hired for this job, I saw a sign in our local coffee shop's window saying they were hiring, so I applied. I was hired 15 min after I turned in my application! I start training in a couple weeks.

I'm so thankful that my job will be right in town, flexible, and I know the owners and people that work there. I'm thankful that Corey's work is flexible so one of us can be with the kids - if not for that, an extra job wouldn't be feasible 'cause it'd cost more for childcare, and I wouldn't want to go that route anyway. And I'm very grateful for the extra income!:)

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