All that aside, I was in Target and guess what I found?! Whole Grain AND organic rice cereal! YAH!! And for only $1.64! I was so excited - for that price, we can definitely put away the blender for now. It'll probably come back out when he starts eating his veggies and fruits, only to save some money though, because I'm pretty sure baby food is now perfectly healthy and free of all preservatives.
So we used the store bought kind last night and got some pretty good pictures of his face! Last night, he definitely wasn't digging the rice cereal. After a few bites, his mouth was not open for business! Hopefully he'll get used to it at some point - we'll keep trying! And the best part of all - he only woke up once last night!!! WAHOO!!!:) And it's 7a.m. and he has not yet woken again!