Caedmon had his first experience with reading a book yesterday (on his own). We went to church to do the bulletin and Aunt Lori set him up with a book and rattle. I'm such a new mother - I learn so much from watching Aunt Lori with him.
I couldn't believe his attention span! He sat there talking to that book and laughing at it for 20 minutes! It was sooo cute to watch. I'm so enjoying watching him grow and learn new things. He's recently figured out that his fist tastes really good! He went from swinging his arms with no control, to bringing his fist to his mouth time and again!
He's so much fun!:)
He is just so cute!! I can't wait to meet him.
It's so cool when they finally figure out that their hands can do things! Christopher would stare at his fist for the longest time. Now he lifts one finger and then he will lift the other fingers. He recently found his feet too! It's so much fun watching them grow and change.
Again, so sweet!! I have a camcorder if you want to capture some of his greatest moments-- Enjoy every minute with him they grow so fast.Do you think you could love him more then you do right this minute? I will testify no matter where they are in their stage of life, the love just keeps growing and growing -- only if you love unconditionally.
Your little man is so adorable! Keep enjoying the joys of motherhood!
So you're telling me your baby can read? He's already got one up on me! and though that's not saying much, it hurts...
All joking aside, the little guy is pretty cute from pictures... way to make a cute baby, lol.
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